Here at Citi Global Group, while we understand that our first priority to our clients is to manage your financial affairs, help you to look after your wealth and your assets, and guide you in structuring an investment portfolio which will help you to accumulate wealth and achieve financial independence, we feel that we also have a duty to adhere to a responsible Corporate Mandate. We believe that it is our duty to help our partners and the companies around us to become socially aware, thus creating a business community which can become self-sufficient, and at the same time generate wealth and opportunities for its members.

Here at Citi Global Group, we believe that it is vital to have an inclusive and long-term perspective regarding business strategies. We want to encourage our business and corporate partners to become socially responsible, and to hold themselves accountable to the same principles of social and corporate responsibility that we adhere to. We believe that we have a role to play in the economic enhancement of the community in which we are based, and we take our role as business custodians very seriously. We are dedicated to helping to improve the social and economic conditions of those around us.

We are proud of the fact that we take this responsibility very seriously and we are committed to helping to launch and assist in any way possible local start-ups and new businesses, and to create opportunities and offer support to any young entrepreneurs who we feel are capable and achieving success. Citi Global Group have made many contributions to various local charitable enterprises, but we have also launched and initiated several worthy and ultimately successful community schemes and business enterprises. We take the time to identify local businesses and individuals who we recognize as having the potential to succeed in the business world.

We are also invested in numerous programs whereby we offer interest-free financing, through subsidies or grants, for the construction of affordable housing for families who earn less than 70% of the local median income. We usually do this through offering bridging loans to investors for the purpose of developing affordable housing for low-income families. We also offer interest-free financing to promote economic or financial development in distressed communities, or any designated disaster areas. We also provide guidance and assistance, as well as the sharing of our resources, to anyone looking to launch a business within these areas.

Our Community Outreach Responsibility & Empowerment (CORE) programs:

  • Provide interest-free finance and bridging loans for the construction of affordable housing.
  • Provide interest-free finance for the economic development of designated disaster areas.
  • Provide assistance for any individuals who wish to launch a business in distressed communities.

Applicants must apply by meeting all of our requirements:

Requirements for consideration for any of our programs:

  • Projects must target designated disaster areas or distressed communities.
  • Businesses must have a social responsibility charter to help empower the local community.
  • Projects need to target the economic betterment for individuals and businesses within the local community.

Sign Up For Our

If you would like to apply for Citi Global Group Community Outreach Responsibility & Empowerment (CORE) financing, please fill out your details and provide a full explanation of your requirements.

NB: Please include all your relevant documentation, as well as uploading your IDs and details of your organization or company.

Our Services

We always take a long-term approach to investing in conjunction with a policy of responsible and sustainable investing, and we believe in global diversification and innovation in order to create a long-term investment strategy appropriate for each client.

Our Partners